Monday, December 04, 2006

Wanting to cross Borders

I am in the final strech of Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point. Before that, I heroically (yes, heroically!) finished Sophie's World. FYI Bloggie, these are rereads. And yes, my CDs are screaming for new company. This is bad.


It's just horrible to think that I haven't been to Borders for months now. The only upside to this sorry revelation is that there's gonna be a lot of new stuff waiting for me. I don't think I will be disappointed. Not by a long shot.


Not Too Late by Norah Jones
The album will come out in January 2007 yet. Nothing can be better than knowing that this upcoming release contains 13 all-original compositions, either by the Norah herself or in collaboration with her fellow bandmates.
I've heard Rosie's Lullaby and Thinking About You. Thankfully, the voice, fragile and powerful at the same time, is still there. Really, everything in the world is gonna be all right.

The Beatles Love

When I think of how I ended up being a fan of arguably the most influential band on earth, I can't help but go back to the days when, as a kid, I kept on hearing my male cousins playing nothing but Beatles songs on their cassette player each and every day. Actually, it was not a 'cassette player', it was something they made from scratch, with the 'cassette tape' more like a white, unmarked VHS tape, only smaller. Whatever. I remember finding myself humming Beatles songs going home from their place where Ria, their sister, was my childhood frienemy.

I was, and still am, a closet fan. I have buried my love for the band in the deepest recesses of my mental closet. But every time I hear their songs, I want to stop what I am doing, go to the store and buy their album.

Celtic Woman A Christmas Celebration Deluxe Edition
I was mindlessly flipping through the channels when I heard melodies which struck me as the closest approximation of angels singing high up in the heavens. KQED was airing Celtic Woman: A new Journey and the owners of the wonderful voices were six, err five because the sixth one was a fabulous violinist, fine Irish ladies. They were performing at a castle in Ireland, quite a fitting venue for the exceptional voice they possess.

The Nasty Bits by Anthony Bourdain

He is everything you wouldn't imagine a chef to be but in my book, he is cool. Period. I liked him instantly on A Cook's Tour and No Reservations. I fell for him after reading Kitchen Confidential and A Cook's Tour.

He is prone to dishing out profanity in his shows, he is an unrepentant smoker, he has done drugs, he eats anything - and I mean anything - in search of, well, a perfect meal. If the accounts in his books are any indication, man, he's been through hell and back many times over. This same devil-may-care attitude does the trick for me. How many men - and a chef at that! - manage to be bad without even trying and get away with it?

The Innocent Man by John Grisham

It might be borne out of my childhood dream of becoming a lawyer, but eversince I got hold of The Firm, I always found myself waiting for John Grisham's new novel. One marvels at how he always managed to translate labyrinthine legal jargon into something layman, something that would not make you want to keel over from boredom.
According to the flap, The Innocent Man is his first attempt at nonfiction work. I guess that is reason enough for me to get a hold of this book soon!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Found out about me

There is this scene in Runaway Bride where Ike (Richard Gere) was accusing Maggie (Julia Roberts) of not even knowing how she wanted her eggs done. I was dumbstruck. If I were in Maggie's shoes, I would have had exactly the same reaction. Is there something wrong with her? Or me, for that matter?

After weeks of car pooling and stopping by Starbucks to get our daily coffee fix, my friend couldn't help but ask why I chose different types of hot coffee every so often. It just puzzled him why I couldn't choose vanilla latte and stick with it. Is there something wrong with me?

I listen to almost all types of music. I am equally comfortable with Ella, Billie, Norah, Adam, Sergio, John, Rob, Enya, Ne-Yo…I could go on and on. Now, my friends here got more than a peek of my eclectic taste in music when they rode with me in my car. They wondered aloud how I could fully appreciate each genre. But I truly could. Is there something wrong with me?

There are other things. Like food! I couldn't convince anyone that I only liked Japanese food if it would save my life. They knew that I was always on when it came to trying out cuisines from, well, wherever. Is there something wrong with me?

Is it weird - or worse, wrong - not to have just one specific preference when it comes to food or music or coffee? Is this some kind of a psychological dysfunction which manifests itself in my ever-shifting taste in practically everything? One friend went as far as saying that that was probably the reason why I couldn't make a relationship work. Ouch.

You tell me, Bloggie.

You see, my sense of achieving 'normalcy' is rooted on my want to discover, experience or taste what the world has to offer. Very high sounding, yes, but that is the only way I can explain it.

Like the famed Mt Everest climbers always say: It is there. Go figure.

Monday, August 21, 2006

A record-breaking run

It's been a while.

I could have written about a lot of things that happened to me. I did not because I was always procrastinating, too lazy to memorialize the happy, crazy, mundane, frightening, sappy and heartbreaking events that characterized the weeks past.

The event yesterday proved to be too happy to store in my memory bank. I may not know myself very well but I admit to being inveterately forgetful.

So here's one exhilirating news: I ran for 10 miles for two hours. That's all of 16 kilometers, do you hear me, Bloggie?

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could do it.

My body is so sore today but I don't care one bit. The soreness is completely oblitirated by the fact that I feel really, really good.

I was glad Deth never tired of convincing me.

Deth and a couple of other friends have been preparing for the 13-mile 'fun' run on October 8 since two months back. After running out of excuses, I finally gave in to her invitation to practice with them. I warned them - and they knew - that I only did 4 miles max on the treadmill or the elliptical twice or thrice a week if I my schedule allowed it. Roughly, 4 miles on the machines always took me all of 40 minutes to accomplish. I fully understood my physical limitations. Or so I thought.


The trail in Los Gatos was so nice. I was so taken by the peaceful lake lining the whole trail that I never cared if I was always at the tail end of the pack. It also helped that each runner I passed by - and boy, do they have floorboard abs! - never failed to greet you with a smile.

I never knew how I ended up finishing the first 5 miles ahead of everyone else. Deth said I did so well. I downplayed it by saying I was just lucky not having torn a ligament in my body. She thought I was being funny when I said we should have parked our cars near the 5-mile junction so we could go home if we decided we couldn't last another mile, much less go back 5 miles where we came from. I managed a nervous laugh.

So we headed back and proceeded to run at our own pace. After a while, and noticing that not one of my friends was within sight, I thought I was lost. It got me worried, moreso because of the fact that I was getting to be a legend hereabouts for having little or no sense of direction. This incident would surely nail it. But what could I do? There were just these junctions that confused me. I didn't bring my handphone. Worse, the trail would simply not allow any motor vehicle as it was too narrow. As a last resort, I thought of hitching a ride with a biker. Saying I was frightened was an understatement.

But I kept on running. Someone up there must have been leading the way - literally! - because everytime I thought of hounding a hapless biker, I would recognize landmarks that kept me believing I was on the right track.

After what seeemed like an eternity, I recognized the red line on the road, and the playground a few yards ahead. I made it. I was even more relieved to realize that I was not lost after all.

After a few minutes, my friends started arriving. It turned out I was the first one to finish. Deth said I probably clocked in a total of two hours.

They had to say that they were a bit concerned I got lost on my way back. They are really getting to know me very well.


Maybe it's true what some friends say. I tend to underestimate my capabilities.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy, happy once again

Hey there, Bloggie!

I just got home, but I guess I have to get to you and tell you some lip-smacking great news.

My 'restatement' team in Big Four garnered a "Local Chairman's Award". Honestly, I wasn't aware of it until my teammate IM'ed me about it.

Just so you know, administrative emails in my Inbox doesn't excite me. This is why I always find myself on the brink of missing deadlines, e.g., timesheets, PFFs, self-assessment*ppy stuff. (Just recently, I found out that these things are in fact crucial in assessing bonuses!). Always just in time. No more, no less. Hmm...I'm lost in my own story. =)

Back to the story. So. I read the email. It said our 'excellent' job could be nominated for the "National Chairman's Award". But I was interested in something more tangible. As if reading my mind, the same teammate informed me a few hours after that we would be getting $500 each. That was the tangible I was talking about. Nice. But then, if I factored in the hours I worked overtime, and I guess this goes for the other seniors in the team, then that $500 is miniscule at the least.

But then again, it is better than nothing. And I am grateful. It is enough to cover monthly rent, gas and utilities. Or the cost of my plane fare for a much-needed vacay in July. Yipee!

P.S I got my car plates today. Yipee!

Monday, May 01, 2006

New things here and there

Everything new is good.

A week before, I got myself a new car. I call him Bugsy. He is as close as I can get to having a boyfriend. He knows what type of music I like. He knows where I get my favorite food. He takes me wherever I want to go. He is everywhere I am. I don't want him out of my sight that sometimes, I have this urge to just leave everyhting behind and be with him to wherever. What's more, as long as you feed him, he never loses his cool. But I'm sorta getting the hint that Bugsy wants me to get a Magellan navigator, so I am seriously considering that option now. I cannot rely on Mapquest or Yahoo forever for directions. (That's why I hate it when friends change plans and I don't have someone with me in the car. I mean, what route do I take then? How many times do I have to tell them that I suck at directions?)

Today, I am sitting on my bed in my super comfy silk pj's and totally at peace with the world. How can I not be? Everywhere I look is new - bedsheets, quilt cover, pillowcases. Heck, I am literally on page one of the new novel I am reading!

What makes me even more pleased is the fact that my bathroom looks and smells absolutely good! Right after the mass and some great food courtesy of some great friends, I begged Jean to accompany me to the mall to buy some things for my bathroom. (Absent other friends, he is my trusty navigator). It's spring and I thought I needed to brighten it up a bit. Ta-da! I have this funky shower curtains in spring colors. It jazzed things up -including my mood - in a flash. Of course I put on the brakes and chose neutral shades for towels, rugs, toilet seat cover and whatnot. And this is a no-brainer: I could forget everything but a new stash of my favorite bath items. Gosh, I couldn't wait to take a bath again! :)

What tops it all off is my new digicam. Yes Bloggie, I finally got myself one after much thought (read: I was hoping for it to go on sale). The digicam I was dying to buy went on sale today, what do you know? The angels must have been be smiling at me, huh?

So yeah. This has been one fine day.


lemme correct that, bloggie. today has been one super happy day! i think i deserve it. and i'll let you in on a secret. i was informed by cel that our 'hot skills bonus' are in. lo and behold, it was indeed in my account already. can someone wipe the grin off my face? i just cannot stop myself from smiling.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Stray thoughts

I overslept today I missed the 9.30am mass. And the badminton game. And a short trip to the grocery to replenish my dangerously low supply of food and whatnot.

So. There was no need to hurry as the next mass I could attend was at 5pm yet.

I didn't know how I managed to knock off such mundane tasks as taking out the trash, washing my clothes, vacuuming the carpet, etc because all I knew was that my feet were practically leaden. It must be because I had programmed my brain to be on idle mode today.

I thought Jean was out so I just went back to my room to vegetate. I was tearing the plastic cover of a novel a dear friend gave me - hey, I'm down to just four unopened books! - when Jean came knocking at my door. He wanted me to go with him to the gym.

We stopped torturing our muscles a couple of hours before it was time for church. Knowing fully well that Jean moved at lightning speed, I told him to go ahead if he felt that waiting for me was like waiting for the Second Coming.

Big mistake.

Fast forward to fifteen past five, I thought I was hyperventilating. Bugsy wouldn't start. I called Jean and a couple of other friends. Still nothing. Past the point of desperation, I calmed my frayed nerves. After a few minutes, and not knowing whether it would make any difference, I thought of using the spare key. It did the trick. I was relieved beyond belief. But then again, I couldn't help but think of things that could go wrong with my car.

I was a bit late for the mass. The homily was quite interesting. It was about dependency. My mind suddenly wandered into some dark territory.

I didn't want Him to take what I prayed for but sometimes I wish I were totally un-independent and entirely dependent on someone else to think for me, decide for me...

For a change, perhaps?

Oh well. It must be one of those days when independence tires me.

Monday, April 17, 2006

what of it

it just hits me.

the bagel shop is not the same. i was almost always late (just 5 minutes, eh?) but it didn't seem to bother you. i miss the two of us munching on bagels with cream cheese, with your coffee from the shop and mine from starbucks.

the freeway is too crowded. i miss the fun we always had as you inched your Roadster into the car pool lane and, once there, zoomed past the ocean of cars stuck in traffic to our right.

the radio stations are boring. i didn't mean to suggest anything when i told you i haven't exactly surfed the radio stations since i came here, but i guess you took it upon yourself to introduce me to some. thus, spanish week. i had no idea what the heck the loud radio jocks and the songs were crapping about, but you patiently explained them all to me as best as you could. in all this, i was not surprised to learn that you just had to have someone sorta in the know to help you appreciate things which you might otherwise take for granted.

it's spring and it's still raining, and it's still freezing cold. i miss your insisting to pick me up or drop me off right in front of my apartment each and every time it rained or it got unbearably cold.

lunch is kinda blah. i remember being secretly surprised how we ended up ordering the same food for lunch not a few times. you seem to be totally unaware of it each time 'coz you just kept on commenting how good and healthy my choices were, and i had to direct your eyes to your own plate.

is there some more?

i hope you don't hit me.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bridging the gap

I was afraid my blog space would get shut down due to inactivity, thus, this hasty post. Anyways, it's about time. Right, Bloggie?

Hmmm...I wonder whatever happened to me since 25 January. Let me step back for a few and try to recollect my thoughts...

(After a minute...)

OK. Here goes my list:
  1. Driving and loving the freedom that goes with it. I don't know if it will pass but right now, I am totally enjoying the freedom that driving gives me. I don't care that I've lost track of how many times I got lost on my way to wherever. All I know is that I always managed to get back on track. So it's fun! Then there's the temporary snag. Well, it is not a snag, I think, but a blessing in disguise (see 4). *wide grin*
  2. Being part of a nice audit team. I mean it. So far, I've only been assigned to one client and I am not even doing audit work. I am doing restatement work. Don't ask, Bloggie, but it's a very welcome change for me. Yes, my teammates have all been very kind and accommodating it amazes me sometimes. Plus, we always have free lunch from good restaurants. And a bottomless snack pit. Who am I to complain?
  3. Driving down to LA for xis hours. It was not supposed to be for fun because we'd be visiting Jean's brother who underwent a heart bypass operation. As it happened, the visit to the hospital lasted all of thirty minutes as no one was allowed to linger for long. We touched base with a couple of guy-friends and decided to bring them along with us to Downey to visit my Aunt. It was a very nice reunion.
  4. The snag. I got sidelined from driving for a time. This teammate offered to take me to and from work. It was a surprisingly nice gesture but I declined. He insisted. I relented. It was good I did for I have discovered a pretty interesting guy. As of now, let me just say that for all his kindness, niceness and patience, I hope he is all he claims to be and more.
  5. Seeing Maricel and Tina in California! Maricel is my audit batchmate/good friend back in the Philippines. Who would have thought that I'd be able to see her again after 5 long years? What's more, we are officemates once again! Cool, huh? My dear Tina finally arrived on 3 March. After weeks of intentionally not keeping in touch, Jean, Maricel and I surprised her with a visit a couple of days after she arrived. Cool to the nth degree.
  6. Doing all the little things. Like going to the gym, taking up tennis, bowling, badminton, running, sprucing up the apartment, reading unfinished novels, shopping...
  7. Planning some things. Learning to cook 30-minute meals (ala Rachel Ray), learning a foreign language, taking up diving lessons, flying up to Europe (or just Italy, or, if all else fails, settle with some famous US destination), buying a car (please, Happy, make a decision!!!), etc etc.....
I have to stop as my laptop's battery is running on low. Dang!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Riding high

Fortune favors the brave. Or so some people say.

I came face to face with fear last night.

You see, Bloggie, I haven't rented a car since I arrived. The closest I got to driving was when I spent one weekend with my Aunt where she let me drive her mean SUV inside the village at 40mph tops. Out on the freeway, you should go no lower than 65mph. Out on the freeway, a greenhorn like me will look like an irredeemable sissy being relentlessly bullied by overeager juvenile delinquents with road rage.

Last night. Last night, I decided to take up the challenge. Jean didn't want to go with me. I venture he is kinda having this idea - and kinda correctly, I confess - that I am not as brave as I appear. Gosh. I needed the passenger seat, at least? Virgie's husband, Tan, agreed to take me to Hertz to pick up the car, then I'd drive the rented wheels alone back to my flat. I guess I had no choice.

I was pleasantly surprised when Hertz upgraded my car at no extra cost to me. (I winked, perhaps?) I got a sleek 2006 Toyota Avalon with just 8 miles of usage. Great! At this point, I think I was still fine.

It was totally different once I got inside the car. Without warning, I got paralyzed with the thought of driving on the freeway. I unraveled, to say the least. I literally froze in my seat. After half an hour of total inertia, Tan decided he'd go fetch Virgie. I waited for another forty-five minutes before Virgie eased herself into the passenger seat.

After an eternity and another prayer, I started the engine. Blackie, my new friend-car, has a built-in GPS. Bless him! I must've called on all the saints as I drove off and onto 101, THE freeway.

Surprisingly, and quite unexpectedly, I got comfortable. So comfortable in fact that Virgie and I reached home earlier than Tan. Strangely hilarious, if you ask me.

Today, Blackie took me to and from my very first client engagement. I couldn't suppress a laugh as I remember when I did not connect and got out of synch with the directions. I didn't mind. I was having fun.

Fear is good. Fun, even. There's just a catch, though. You gotta face up to it until it backs away. Where it ends, fun begins.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Cheers, Pacman!

I just have to mark this glorious event.

Manny "The Pacman" Pacquiao TKO'ed Erik Morales!

Before the highly anticipated faceoff, Cel and I made fun of the two preceding boxing matches. With intense scrutiny, we 'analyzed' the pugilists based on their...well...appearance. Maybe it's a complex science known only to our kind but it somehow worked for us with unerring precision. Our bets won, with their black-and-blue opponents pathetically running for cover.

Then came Erik and Manny. I thought they were a study in contrast. Whereas Manny projected a gung-ho attitude, Erik had a quiet and brooding air about him. Cel and I couldn't decide who would win based on our 'matrices'. We concluded that they were equal.

I couldn't stand the first few rounds because Manny was being assaulted by Erik's more precise jabs, uppercuts and hooks. Whatever. Manny was being hit from everywhere and it looked as though his footwork was fumbling. But he managed not to get nasty cuts in the face, which was some consolation.

Then Round 6 came and the tables turned. Suddenly, Manny, still bouncy and seemingly unfazed by all the bulls-eye hits, delivered. And deliver he did, just what his gazillion Filipino fans would fall on all fours to see - hard-hitting blows, pun intended to Erik of course. One commentator's cutting observation: desperation comes in the form of rubbing the leg. I saw Erik's legs being massaged and I literally understood. He also looked so beat and tired.

Thanks to Manny's deadly left hand and I daresay his kababayans' unflagging support, Erik saw the stars before the tenth round ended.

I bet everyone in the Philippines is rejoicing.

Cheers to you, Pacman. May you always be hungry. :)

Monday, January 16, 2006

First post from the Valley

A lot of things have happened since my last post.

Other than my digicam's busted lens, the most significant in the lot would have to be seeing and trying to get along with Uncle Sam.

FYI Bloggie, I have been in the States since 28 December. From that point on, everything has been a blur of activities.

(I am not really in the Valley right now. I am in Chicago. Finding the pre-course materials utterly unappealing I am in danger of keeling over, I suddenly remember I have you, Bloggie, for company. So bear with my thoughtless chatter, will you?)

29 December
Terrible jetlag. Slept all day in my warm and cozy apartment. I didn't even care that I was alone or what.

30 December - 1 January
Fetched by cousins to spend New Year in Stockton. Met up with a very dear Aunt who didn't give a thought in giving me the key to Volvo SUV to test drive around the village. Nice wine. Warm company. I miss my digicam.

2 - 6 January
Got a headstart on getting an SS number. Visited the office. Jean toured me around the area. Actually asked myself if I could live here. Bought lotsa food. So happy to see Cel again! Scouted for a permanent flat. Rode the tram alone. Saw some sights alone. Met new friends. I'D HAVE TO HAVE A DIGICAM!

8 - 11 January
Orientation. Great program. Greatest desserts! Great Disneyland tour. Did only one ride - Soar - as there was no time.

12 - 13 January
First two days in office. Surprised to find that Pinoys dominate the Supplies Section. Very warm HR people. Got my SS number. Broke a sweat when informed I'd be part of a SOX client; fieldwork immediately starts after the upcoming training. Reality is checking in...

14 January
Scouted for an apartment with Jean until we finally found a nice one. Really nice! Bought a couple of boots. Bought a couple of size one coats (gosh, heavy!). Bought mittens. Forgot the beanies. At one point, wondered aloud how these people layered their winter clothing. WHEN AM I GONNA HAVE IT?

15 January
Flew out of San Jose. Flew in to Chicago for a one-week training. Brrrr! Very surprised to find that the 'hotel' resembled a big dormitory. Spartan accommodations. No nonsense, built-for-lecture ambiance. No fun. Not surprised that the Accenture peeps thought the same, too. Happy that there are lots of interesting people. I'D BUY A NEW DIGICAM. TOMORROW?

There, Bloggie. I have finally checked in, eh? :)