Monday, April 24, 2006

Stray thoughts

I overslept today I missed the 9.30am mass. And the badminton game. And a short trip to the grocery to replenish my dangerously low supply of food and whatnot.

So. There was no need to hurry as the next mass I could attend was at 5pm yet.

I didn't know how I managed to knock off such mundane tasks as taking out the trash, washing my clothes, vacuuming the carpet, etc because all I knew was that my feet were practically leaden. It must be because I had programmed my brain to be on idle mode today.

I thought Jean was out so I just went back to my room to vegetate. I was tearing the plastic cover of a novel a dear friend gave me - hey, I'm down to just four unopened books! - when Jean came knocking at my door. He wanted me to go with him to the gym.

We stopped torturing our muscles a couple of hours before it was time for church. Knowing fully well that Jean moved at lightning speed, I told him to go ahead if he felt that waiting for me was like waiting for the Second Coming.

Big mistake.

Fast forward to fifteen past five, I thought I was hyperventilating. Bugsy wouldn't start. I called Jean and a couple of other friends. Still nothing. Past the point of desperation, I calmed my frayed nerves. After a few minutes, and not knowing whether it would make any difference, I thought of using the spare key. It did the trick. I was relieved beyond belief. But then again, I couldn't help but think of things that could go wrong with my car.

I was a bit late for the mass. The homily was quite interesting. It was about dependency. My mind suddenly wandered into some dark territory.

I didn't want Him to take what I prayed for but sometimes I wish I were totally un-independent and entirely dependent on someone else to think for me, decide for me...

For a change, perhaps?

Oh well. It must be one of those days when independence tires me.

Monday, April 17, 2006

what of it

it just hits me.

the bagel shop is not the same. i was almost always late (just 5 minutes, eh?) but it didn't seem to bother you. i miss the two of us munching on bagels with cream cheese, with your coffee from the shop and mine from starbucks.

the freeway is too crowded. i miss the fun we always had as you inched your Roadster into the car pool lane and, once there, zoomed past the ocean of cars stuck in traffic to our right.

the radio stations are boring. i didn't mean to suggest anything when i told you i haven't exactly surfed the radio stations since i came here, but i guess you took it upon yourself to introduce me to some. thus, spanish week. i had no idea what the heck the loud radio jocks and the songs were crapping about, but you patiently explained them all to me as best as you could. in all this, i was not surprised to learn that you just had to have someone sorta in the know to help you appreciate things which you might otherwise take for granted.

it's spring and it's still raining, and it's still freezing cold. i miss your insisting to pick me up or drop me off right in front of my apartment each and every time it rained or it got unbearably cold.

lunch is kinda blah. i remember being secretly surprised how we ended up ordering the same food for lunch not a few times. you seem to be totally unaware of it each time 'coz you just kept on commenting how good and healthy my choices were, and i had to direct your eyes to your own plate.

is there some more?

i hope you don't hit me.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Bridging the gap

I was afraid my blog space would get shut down due to inactivity, thus, this hasty post. Anyways, it's about time. Right, Bloggie?

Hmmm...I wonder whatever happened to me since 25 January. Let me step back for a few and try to recollect my thoughts...

(After a minute...)

OK. Here goes my list:
  1. Driving and loving the freedom that goes with it. I don't know if it will pass but right now, I am totally enjoying the freedom that driving gives me. I don't care that I've lost track of how many times I got lost on my way to wherever. All I know is that I always managed to get back on track. So it's fun! Then there's the temporary snag. Well, it is not a snag, I think, but a blessing in disguise (see 4). *wide grin*
  2. Being part of a nice audit team. I mean it. So far, I've only been assigned to one client and I am not even doing audit work. I am doing restatement work. Don't ask, Bloggie, but it's a very welcome change for me. Yes, my teammates have all been very kind and accommodating it amazes me sometimes. Plus, we always have free lunch from good restaurants. And a bottomless snack pit. Who am I to complain?
  3. Driving down to LA for xis hours. It was not supposed to be for fun because we'd be visiting Jean's brother who underwent a heart bypass operation. As it happened, the visit to the hospital lasted all of thirty minutes as no one was allowed to linger for long. We touched base with a couple of guy-friends and decided to bring them along with us to Downey to visit my Aunt. It was a very nice reunion.
  4. The snag. I got sidelined from driving for a time. This teammate offered to take me to and from work. It was a surprisingly nice gesture but I declined. He insisted. I relented. It was good I did for I have discovered a pretty interesting guy. As of now, let me just say that for all his kindness, niceness and patience, I hope he is all he claims to be and more.
  5. Seeing Maricel and Tina in California! Maricel is my audit batchmate/good friend back in the Philippines. Who would have thought that I'd be able to see her again after 5 long years? What's more, we are officemates once again! Cool, huh? My dear Tina finally arrived on 3 March. After weeks of intentionally not keeping in touch, Jean, Maricel and I surprised her with a visit a couple of days after she arrived. Cool to the nth degree.
  6. Doing all the little things. Like going to the gym, taking up tennis, bowling, badminton, running, sprucing up the apartment, reading unfinished novels, shopping...
  7. Planning some things. Learning to cook 30-minute meals (ala Rachel Ray), learning a foreign language, taking up diving lessons, flying up to Europe (or just Italy, or, if all else fails, settle with some famous US destination), buying a car (please, Happy, make a decision!!!), etc etc.....
I have to stop as my laptop's battery is running on low. Dang!