Sunday, May 01, 2005

PG chronicles III - Seizing the day

Carpe diem is an obscure Latin phrase I always associate with Dead Poets Society. I think it means living life to the fullest and getting the most out of each day.

Well, in true seize-the-day fashion, our second day at PG was marked by loads of activities and unexpected encounters which I could choose to view in two opposing perspectives - one of bragging rights (yeah, yeah) or one of dreadful panic.


We barely managed to get up for the snorkeling adventure over at San Antonio beach. But once there, our normally lethargis selves got all worked up as we viewed the amzzing view from under water. Johnne and I even spotted a school of fish, their graceful and uniform movement taking our breath away. How could they do that, move in unison? It boggles the mind. Like a flock of seagulls...jonathan livingston seagull...i am digressing.

I found out that my new friend Anthony conducts diving lessons. Wonderful! Now I know who to contact in case the 'itch' to dive becomes unbearable. :P


Having been sufficiently toasted by the sun, we called it a day by 12 noon, freshened up and headed to Traveller's Delight for some major pig out session. I do not know if it was because we were soo hungry or the food just really tasted great. Hunger tends to distort your judgment, you know.


Totally let down upon knowing that there was no money changer in the *^%$# place, we contemplated on our bleak future. Our saviour cum saints of perpetual help were anthony and phoebe. Bless them. Our mood literally turned from dark to grey...errr...bright, bright...whatever. We were ecstatic. Or was it just me?


We assembled at the beach to do Banana boatride. Was it fun! We must have given Manong a minor case of heart attack as we vigorously shook the boat until it capsized. It was pitch dark, maybe well past 7pm, dear bloggie. Poor Manong. You could really see him struggling as he took stock of the juvenile delinquents that were his passengers. Fun! :-P


Of course, we were eternally hungry. So we ate at Nikita Dining (I think). Then, it was time. No trip to Galera was complete without the notoriuos Minodro Sling. So it was basically Gina and I who were downing the pitcher. Anthony added bottles of cheap vodka in the mix. As the night wore on, only Gina and I remained standing. It was also good as we were in too deep with girl talk.


Then, a couple of Super Dry landed on our tables which, according to the gay waiter (waitress?) was courtesy of two foreigners sitting somewhere within our field of vision. Goodness, did we look like some sweet painted ladies???? Before we could protest further, who would took a seat but one of them white men. Gina immediately called JM to rescue us. Understand that we still managed to keep our cool surface under the circumstances.


JM took us to his former groupmates in JCC over at the other side of the beach. By this time, I was a little light-headed but definitely sane. JM introduced us to the guys and girls. There was one tall guy, though, who kept talking to me and even managed to get my number. I thought that was the end of it. Anyway, I was getting bored, sleepy and woozy so I pleaded for coffee.


After a round of black coffee, JM accompanied us to our cottage for the much needed shuteye. I heard my phone beep. It was the tall guy we met at the beach. What was he saying???? For all I know he must have been cross-eyed and sufficiently soused way before he met us for him to be saying these...whatever. I needed to sleep.

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